Empowering Women Through Hormone Balance and Fitness

I came off birth control after 13 years!

Like many of you, I was prescribed hormonal birth control as a teenager to relieve my horrible cramps, but I didn't realize how it was impacting my body until much later.

After coming off birth control, I discovered the importance of hormone health and how to support my body naturally through fitness and nutrition.

Now, I’m sharing my journey with you to help you achieve your own health and fitness goals!

Four months after I quit birth control, I felt like my health was falling apart.

  • I had the most painful acne of my life.

  • My periods came back with a vengeance.

  • I was anxious about everything.

  • I couldn't eat certain foods without bloating or having the worst gas.

  • I gained weight no matter how much I exercised or how healthy I ate.

 WTF. No one told me this was going to happen.

I felt alone. And very confused.

I spent so much money trying to fix my health. Doctors appointments, SIBO testing, celiac testing, different diets, supplements, new skincare, you name it - I probably spent money on it.

All that money spent and I had no answers.

I was told by my GI doctor that labs look normal, SIBO and celiac came back negative and I should just not eat the foods that cause me issues. I was suggested a low FODMAP diet. You can probably guess that didn't work for me either.

All that to say - I get it.

If you’re tired of feeling like crap all the time, even when you’re doing everything "right” — you’re not alone!

I struggled for so long trying to figure out how to finally feel better again. I knew I didn't want to rely on medication for the rest of my life. So, I dove into research and learned how to balance my hormones naturally!

I finally feel like myself again!

My health has completely transformed since I came off birth control and learned to balance my hormones naturally.

  • I can eat the foods I couldn't before

  • I ovulate every cycle and my period comes around about every 27 days

  • I can focus on fat loss with success

  • I crush it as a powerlifter, rather than feeling like shit after my workouts

  • I am building muscle more efficiently

  • I am eating enough to support my hormones and my workouts

I'm not going to sugar coat it or give you the sexy answer you're looking for when it comes to healing.

It takes time. Sometimes, a lot of it. And patience. And consistency.

2022 was the first year I can say I've felt my normal self again. It took time and giving myself grace to get to where I am today.

Throughout my own health journey and in completing my BS in Exercise Science with a minor in Nutrition, I learned SO MUCH about hormone health and how nutrition and exercise play a vital role in supporting it.

And I realized that so many women are in the same boat I was - feeling defeated and not knowing what to do next to regain control of their health.

That’s why I’m now so passionate about helping women learn to work with their hormones and create sustainable fitness and nutrition routines that support their health goals.

If you are on your own healing journey, please remind yourself this…

Healing does not require perfection. 

It isn't about following a diet perfectly. It isn't about being perfect at your morning or night routine. And it isn't about burning a certain number of calories every day.

 Consistency will get you there.

Remembering your “why” will get you there.

Giving yourself grace will get you there.

And when you’re ready for support and guidance along the journey, I’m here to help.